One Month, One Mission strives to unite those in need with those who have, whether we are in the same community or miles apart. Every month we post a new mission; every month we witness the power of human connection and goodwill.

April 3, 2010

The Last Song

Wow, I just read Nicholas Sparks' The Last Song from cover to cover.  Yes, it was a good book. (No, I don't want to see the movie.) Yes, I bawled my eyes out.  Yes, it's been years (yes years) since I've sat down to read a book cover to cover.  And Yes, my own little voice, or whisper from God (as per the book)  :), is becoming louder and louder...

A few months ago I decided to scale back, big-time, on my jewelry business.  I also have, as evidenced here (by my lack of posts!), scaled back on my time on the computer.  This is mostly in response to the need to address some physical and lifestyle changes that are now necessary to manage what can be a debilitating condition called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, or POTS.  My physical strength can change from day to day, hour to hour.  After a severe bout of the flu, I was diagnosed with POTS in March 2009, and Yes, it's taken me nearly a year to accept and give up my denial of it.

Has scaling so much back helped?  Physically, yes, I think so.  Or as much as I can report to my cardiologist so. Overall, definitely so.  I have been less stressed, had more time to devote to my children and my husband, and finally returned to interests I used to think of as luxuries or things I somehow wasn't entitled to enjoy, like taking a whole night to read!

And, well, this book in particular, this one really hit home.  I've got two babies. I have a super, fantabulous, how-do-I-deserve-this husband.  And I've got my health, even with its new challenges.  So what am I waiting for?  This is my life.  And it's time to embrace it. 

A Bible passage that was a character's favorite in The Last Song, from Galatians 5:22, is at the essence of what I am feeling right now: "But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."

My lesson learned: when that little voice talks, don't fight it, listen to it.  That voice is telling me my family and my health need me, more of me! So, I am ending my blog.  Closing down another online shop. Turning down the next wholesale order. And it feels wonderful!

May we all continue to listen for these little whispers from God.  Thanks for joining me in my journey and today, as I write my last song, er... blog post.


January 17, 2010

January Mission Update

Well, I had the January Mission all planned out.  Here was Plan A: Every year during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, much attention is paid to many and varied charities.  Like retailers, many charities receive most of their monies during these last months of the year.  So for January, I had planned to try to wrap-up the wish-list of one of our local non-profits.  There is such a drop-off in donations come January that I thought we could help fill a few of these gaps.
I have been learning a lot these past few months.  Of those being to just jump in and also to go with the flow.  To make a long story longer, both my community service efforts here and my hard work on my jewelry business, in October, November, and December, resulted in wonderful successes.  We were able to make a difference in the lives of those without adequate footwear, those serving our country abroad, and the youngest among us suffering from childhood cancer.  With my jewelry designs, I was also was able to find my creative voice, which was seen in print, online, and even on TV this past fall. 
Even though this all sounds wonderful, and it is wonderful, it didn't come without a price.  My health and my kids and husband were often not made priority.  Yet actually, they, along with my faith, deserve to be my Priority Number One.  So, I would be a fool not to recognize this unbalance, and even more of a fool not to do something about it.  So I'm not just clearing time for them - I'm redirecting my extra efforts to them. Huh? Basically, all that extra effort I put into my jewelry and community service efforts, I'm going to be putting into making the days of my family a little happier.  Now that all the craziness that can be the holidays is over, perhaps we can all use a little extra time and effort to reconnect with those that are closest to us.  ❤
Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do... but how much love we put in that action.
~ Mother Teresa

Love begins by taking care of the closest ones - the ones at home.
~Mother Teresa

See you soon in February with a brand new mission and a Valentine's Giveaway!