One Month, One Mission strives to unite those in need with those who have, whether we are in the same community or miles apart. Every month we post a new mission; every month we witness the power of human connection and goodwill.

October 23, 2009

Calling all possible donation sites!

So far we've got 3 confirmed organizations / businesses wiling to take on a collection box for the book drive, and three for the shoe drive.  Several more are in the works.

Please contact me if you are interested or know of someone who might be willing to give home to a collection box for either or both drives.  Collection deadline for the book drive is December 4; for the shoe drive it's December 1, so we've got plenty of time to get the boxes delivered and filled up!

Locations need not be local to Milwaukee;  I will coordinate to cover postage for any out-of-town donation sites! 

All confirmed donation locations are expected to be posted to the blog by November 3rd.  In the meantime, pass on the word and start cleaning out those bookshelves and closets!

October 20, 2009

OCTOBER MISSION: Holiday Care Packages for US Troops

Run, don't walk, to your stash of books, CD's, and DVD's!  Grab a few (or a lot) that have been collecting dust, and then read on...

For our October Mission, I am honored to be partnering with MSOE (the Milwaukee School of Engineering) with their on-going program for collecting and sending care packages to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.  This past summer, I worked with them on a toy drive for the children of Iraq and Afghanistan, and longed to do more.  Mr. Richard Gagliano, MSOE's Director of Student Activities, said what they could use and what the troops would like is simple: paperback books, DVD's, and CD's.  I thought, there are so many of us who either have, or have access to, a plethora of books and media!  What a wonderful way to share a bit of what we have - with those who share all of what they have... so that we may have freedom. 

So, here is what we are looking for:
1.   Troop Names.  MSOE has a list of troops' names that will be receiving these care packages.  If you have any friends or families that you would like to include with this mailing, please let me know.  I will need the Troop's Name, Unit, and mailing address; e-mail address if you'd like as well.  Please also let me know if you would like them added to MSOE's list for ongoing care packages.

2.   Personal Letters & Notes.   Nothing makes my day like getting mail!  No, not the type that comes from a credit card company or the like - real mail, with a real, handwritten letter!  Imagine being thousands of miles away from your home and your family, in an area that doesn't always communicate "we love you".  Now, imagine how it would feel to get a personally written note, telling you that you are loved and important, how thankful others are for you, and how you are not forgotten.

3.  Any paperback books, CD's, and DVD's.  We all know that listening to the same music over, and over, and over again can get... well, boring.  Doing the same thing in an area where you can't just run out to grab a bite to eat or go to the mall or kick back and watch Monday night football, well that gets really boring!  So let's all grab some books! CDs!  DVDs!  Just have MP3's and no CD's?  No problem, make a mix CD!  Don't have books?  (shame on you, ha ha!)  Again, no problem, just grab a $5 and head to Half Price Books or your local library for some used books (and buy yourself one while you're there).  No DVD's?  Try or ask a friend or co-worker.  Hey, I even have some still in the wrapper.  Yes, dust on the wrapper counts as one that can find a better home!

We will take your help on any or all of the above!  All donations are accepted - nothing is too small or too big of a donation, ANYTHING will help.  With the Holiday Care Packages this season, MSOE expects to hit the 1,000 mark of care packages sent.  Let's help them meet that goal!

OK, just how do I do this you ask?  Where do I send my books to?  Do you have a drop-off location?  What do I write in my letter?  How do I buy a pre-made package?  Can I volunteer my time?  All the details will be posted in the next few days... but for now I must bid adieu, and get this nasty head cold to bed...!  Feel free to contact me in the meantime!  (and get those books, DVD's, and CD's collected in the meantime too!)

October 17, 2009

We love Facebook Fans!

And voila, One Month, One Mission has a new Facebook Page!  Become a fan today!! 

No Twitter yet, sorry - I'm trying to learn one thing at a time (how to add photos to the blog, anyone?)

October and November Missions Confirmed!

What a day!  Who doesn't love getting mail?  Well, I LOVE getting mail - and my trusty UPS, FedEx, and USPS delivery men and women all know me too well with all the packages I get related to my jewelry business.  But nothing compares to the two, yes TWO pieces of special mail I got today!  They both got my heart racing like you can't believe (shh... don't tell my cardiologist!)

First is related to what will be our (better-late-than-never) October MissionI received an e-mail confirming our joint sponsorship with the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) for preparing holiday troop care packages for our troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Second, my favorite brown truck delivered a BIG box of goodies for our November Mission.  We are working with Soles4Souls Thanks4Giving Program, whose goal is to collect 250,000 pairs of new and gently-worn shoes for distribution for the needy both here in the US and abroad.  I have already partnered with a local Mom's group for a city-wide drive concurrent with their winter rummage sale on November 14, and am hoping to work with my church and daughter's schools as well.  If you are interested in having your congregation or school also participate in the November Mission, please contact me and I'll get you all set up!

More information on these missions, what and when to give or help, and all other details will be posted frequently over the next few days and weeks.

Oh boy, here goes the heart palpitations again!  How wonderful it feels to get this all underway!

October 4, 2009

Ready or Not, Here We Come!

A few weeks ago, my two children and I walked through the grocery store, carefully picking out food to give to the local food pantry, one box of mac & cheese and can of princess-shaped noodle soup at a time (the kids got to pick!).  Each of them have saved part of the random coins that feed their piggy bank every few days, and with a grand total of $24 and change between them, we proudly filled a paper grocery-bag full of kid-selected, yet nutritious food for the hungry in our city.  We walked up and down the check-out lobby, unable to find the donation barrel.  Upon asking a manager where the donation barrel was, we were told they are only out "at the holidays".  I was dumbfounded.

The rest of the day I couldn't stop thinking about how many people WANT to give, how many people NEED what we have to give, and the chasm between the two.  That night, I woke up with the idea of, what if, just what if, I could help facilitate a link between those in need and those who have - and not just at the holidays, but all year long. 

Over the past few weeks, I've taken baby steps towards starting this blog, letting self-doubts about my knowledge of blogging (or lack thereof) and my own abilities to get these ideas off the ground get in the way of actually launching the blog.  Well, after another restless night waking up thinking about this blog, I decided, it's now or never. 

So here it is.  One Month, One Mission.  If we can even make one human connection between someone in need and someone who has enough to share, then I will consider this blog a success.  Thanks for joining me in my mission today - and please, send me any comments along the way!
